Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Flip/Flop Candidate?

Eight years ago the public nominated for a second term President George W. Bush over Senator John Kerry. Many saw Kerry as a politician who kept changing his ideas and positions, someone who would be unfit to lead the country because of his uncertainty. Today in 2008, American citizens may be dealing with another "unsure" candidate, John McCain.

McCain has never been looked at as having a strong economic background and his statements of how the economy was "strong" shows just how incompetent and uniformed McCain is about matters of national importance. Days later he flip/flopped his statement and stated that the economy's situation was in a "complete crisis."

This year the economy has fallen dramatically. Edward Yardeni, an investment strategist, said in yesterday's New York Times, "There's no end to this in sight." People are becoming increasingly aware of the crumbling stock market, especially since the fall of The American International Group, a massive insurance mogul. 

McCain needs to make his stance clear to the American people as well as what he plans to do in the future to keep the stock market from crashing. Today, people want to feel that their leaders know what they are feeling and to care enough to do something about it, for many McCain is not showing that he is sincerely worried about the condition of the market.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sara Palin: Asset or Diversion?

Since Vice President Nominee Sara Palin has come to the aid of John McCain his popularity has shot up. People are fascinated with the governor of Alaska because truth be told she was the last pick anyone thought would be made by McCain. So why did McCain choose his running mate? Well in my eyes I believe it was to raise the exact kind of awareness and fascination from the public that he is now receiving. In a recent statement Senator Obama remarked about McCain's policies and said that it was like, "putting lipstick on a pig." That McCain's policies are no different from President Bush's and that you can "put lipstick on a pig" but the reality of it is that the pig is still a pig. This statement that is a clear remark towards McCain's policies has now been construed to look like an insult to the Republican nominee's new Vice President pick, Sara Palin. Senator Obama has stated several times now that the statement was in fact not directed towards governor Palin and the media is trying to spin his words to make it look like an insult. Reading this article made me incredibly mad and uncomfortable because of two reasons. One, I feel that the media and the McCain party is spinning the Senator's words and meanings to get publicity. I think that it's wonderful that McCain chose a woman for his Vice President but I am starting to get the feeling that he chose her to not only get the votes from those women who voted for Hillary but to raise his popularity status.  The country is in awe that he chose her as his running mate and is eager to find out what she has to offer and that's legitimate, but I can't help but feel that his pick was nothing more than a publicity stunt, a way for him to be more recognized and a way to step out of Senator Obama's shadow. Senator Obama will have to be careful on how he phrases his statements from now on to not again attract this kind of attention. From the words of a true President, "We have real problems in this country right now and the American people are looking to us for answers, not distractions, no diversions, not manipulations."