Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Flip/Flop Candidate?

Eight years ago the public nominated for a second term President George W. Bush over Senator John Kerry. Many saw Kerry as a politician who kept changing his ideas and positions, someone who would be unfit to lead the country because of his uncertainty. Today in 2008, American citizens may be dealing with another "unsure" candidate, John McCain.

McCain has never been looked at as having a strong economic background and his statements of how the economy was "strong" shows just how incompetent and uniformed McCain is about matters of national importance. Days later he flip/flopped his statement and stated that the economy's situation was in a "complete crisis."

This year the economy has fallen dramatically. Edward Yardeni, an investment strategist, said in yesterday's New York Times, "There's no end to this in sight." People are becoming increasingly aware of the crumbling stock market, especially since the fall of The American International Group, a massive insurance mogul. 

McCain needs to make his stance clear to the American people as well as what he plans to do in the future to keep the stock market from crashing. Today, people want to feel that their leaders know what they are feeling and to care enough to do something about it, for many McCain is not showing that he is sincerely worried about the condition of the market.

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