Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And the votes are almost in...

With the election drawing to a close Senator Barrack Obama and John McCain have one more chance to win over the American people, the question is who will be the most successful? he 22 months that the candidates have spent traveling the United States in hopes to become the next president has definitely taken a toll on both men. The once gleaming Barrack Obama now looks tired and weathered from the stress and has even sprouted a few new grey hairs, but as Mr. Lippert said, "In a marathon, when you are on mile 20 you start getting tired, but when you are on mile 25 you don't, that's where he's at."

But with all the stress that Obama has on his shoulders he is not letting it show to the public. He is still calm and collected while speaking at rallies and conventions, still has his winning charisma and is still fighting for his seat in the White House. Although the Senator has not given a formal interview in weeks he reassures journalists by reporting that he will give them an interview on Wednesday following the election. Of course there are many frustrations that come with constantly traveling and having to be away from ones family for long periods of time but the Senator has proven that he is in it to win it and that he will do whatever it takes to beat McCain.

Like Obama, McCain is also trying to fight till the very end to win presidency unfortunately he and his team are increasingly more worried about the Senator lagging behind in the polls as well as the chance that the House and Senate could soon be taken over by Democrats. With many open Republican seats it is only normal that Democrats would be fighting to replace them and they might actually win them. With all of the problems that the people have seen during the Bush Administrations years in office, the people are now ready for change, and the democrats are offering it in strides.


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